The human body is difficult to attain! The teachings of the Buddha are challenging to comprehend! Practicing the Dharma correctly per the profound and miraculous teachings of the Buddha is too much more difficult!
In ancient times, people’s hearts were mainly virtuous and noble, inclined towards listening, contemplating, and cultivating moral virtues and noble character. They aspired to attain enlightenment so sincerely that when they encountered the Buddha and heard the Dharma, they immediately awoke from their ignorance and sought the Buddha’s path without concern for birth and death. None of the worldly entanglements and mundane attachments could entice them. In the present age, however, due to the intoxication of desires and sensual pleasures, pervasive worldly temptations allure and lead people astray. Under the command and influence of Greed, Hatred, and Ignorance, they continually create three kinds of karma on Body, Speech, and Mind, inevitably experiencing the suffering of karmic retribution in the endless cycle of the Six Realms. Among the spiritual practitioners, how many of them thoroughly enlighten? Question: Is it the decline of the Dharma or the Mind?
Amidst the countless confusions, bewildering distortions, and unpredictable variations of the current chaotic state of Dharma practice, with the aspiration to share the Right View (Right Understanding) and the Path of Buddhist practice with Buddhism practitioners, the author compiles a collection of teachings into the book called THE PATH OF BUDDHIST PRACTICE to disseminate the Dharma widely, hoping to serve as a guiding compass for those undertaking the journey of spiritual cultivation, repaying the Four Debts of Gratitude in all eternity. The content consists of four parts:
- The Path of Buddhist Practice: Sharing personal experiences of Dharma practices, lighting the Right View in response to Dharma’s decline and unpredictable transformation today.
- Q&A on Buddhist Teachings: Addressing questions and doubts, providing explanations for the benefit of the Buddhist community.
- Excerpts from Scriptures: Selecting essential teachings from Buddhist scriptures, such as The Shurangama Sutra, The Perfection of Buddha Recitation, The Eight Realizations of Great Beings, The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra, and The Dhammapada Sutra, etc. At the end of each excerpt, if necessary, modest commentary will facilitate deeper contemplation and assist the readers in their spiritual practice.
- Venerable Ancient Masters’ Teachings and Verses: Focusing on selected teachings from revered ancient masters. Among them, the “Handbook of Buddhist Practice” by Venerable Quảng Khâm is nearly fully presented as his profound and concise instructions are intimately connected and practical. Hopefully, they will bring valuable Dharma benefits to the spiritual practice of Buddhists.
The essential core of Buddhist practice lies in sincere and genuine spiritual practice, not engaging in empty talk, theoretical debates, or considering the Buddha’s teachings as mere worldly academic subjects to enrich one’s knowledge or feed one’s delusional ego. The crucial core of Buddhist practice is meditation, the cultivation of one’s mind earnestly. Therefore, those determined to seek liberation from the endless cycle of birth and death must wholeheartedly embark on the path of enlightenment and deliverance, enlightened and transmitted in the world by the Buddhas.
Not to do any evil,
To cultivate good,
To purify one’s mind,
That is the Teaching of the Buddhas!
The constantly meditative,
the ever steadfastly ones
realize the bond-free,
supreme Nibbaana!
May all sentient beings in the infinite realms all over the ten directions sincerely direct to the Buddha for spiritual cultivation, swiftly enlighten the Buddha Mind, and attain the ultimate Buddhahood.
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha _()_
Namo Amitabha Buddha _()_
Buddhist Calendar 2560, Western Calendar 2016
Dawn of Enlightenment
Cổ Thiên
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